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OMGG I loved it!! Thanks!

UGH! I had a whole paragraph written about how much I loved this demo and everyone's favorite boy Ash of course.  But too many spoilers and unlike my Honey I don't cheat! It's so cute, I can't wait for the reboot! (Please don't feel rushed by my comment that is not at all what I mean art takes time I am just happy to have found something so wonderful.) Thank you all for your hard work. I shall follow in hopes of seeing more!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am immensely flattered! Reboot is very close to being done, I just need to finish drawing most of the cross date photos since everyone is there. Thank you again for playing!!


spoilers for this + the reboot

 But I’ve been wondering abt this for awhile, I think I commented on it but I cant find my old comment :(  anyways regarding the line “if she were here, she’d say something like the glass is half full” (not direct quote but u get it) I couldn’t tell if this was a continuation of his reference to Monika, him talking about Lily, or the woman in charge of that company mentioned in the reboot (or espoir?)

It's me, he's 100% talking about me. I'm a recovering People Pleaser and Ash was calling me out on it


noice! Thank uuu!! I’m still theorizing about this game whenever I get my friends to play

Deleted 308 days ago

I think this one will be done pretty soon! Thank you for playing!


Just finished this one and OMG you rascal, I was going by the images on this page and was completely blindsided in a good way. Downloading the Reboot now cause I need more of best boi.

hehehe sorry if that was too misleading, I'm SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!! I hope you enjoy the sequel demo as well!


this was soso good and the reboot is so cool aaa

Yay♫♪ I'm glad you liked it!


Not at all what I was expecting but man that was so much fun!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! (I'm working on the sequel now♫)


love love LOVE this!!! Da Boyz are so cute!!!

Thank You!!


Holy shit, this was so good I'm keeping spoilers under the cute

Okay the first time I played I was like "oh hey, he seems cute" like I did choose cats, spring, yellow flowers so I was like yeah that makes sense, he seems nice in a desperate sort of way. Then when he was panicked about the news and started talking about the garden shears I was like "hm this sounds like foreshadowing i wonder what for"



Hehehe that made me LOL and almost fall off my chair!! Thank you for playing! There's more of that innocent Dilf in my next game PPB:Reboot which is a sequel that gives the other guys more screen time♥


Don't like it I keep getting the person I hate it.


I have news for you buddy, that's the whole point of the story.


Hey, it's me again! Was just playing through this game again, and my curiosity is getting the better of me at this point, but what exactly does Ashton say when it's all blocked out? I've just been wondering what it could've been lol. If you don't feel comfortable saying it it's fine! Just curious lmao. Also, thanks again for making such a lovely game and cast of characters, I've legit been hyperfixating on both games since like March.


Haha oh yeah, he's being very...NSFW...I DID have it written out what he says so the number of words looked normal but I honestly forgot what it was. It's definitely overly lewd , maybe something about endless...intimacy... but I intended for the player to use their imagination (which I assumed would make it more personal? Funnier?)

Thank you so much for liking my little game! All the feedback has just blown me away and I truly get so excited when people say how much they love my silly boys!


Espoir i literally love this game! 50/10 ratings lol.  probably (at least in the top 3) my favorite visual novel and even tho the REBOOT is unfinished (take ur time tho, ik that these things take a while :] ) I still love both these games with my soul. I have replayed them over like 5 times and it never gets boring. and your creativity in these games? Frigging amazing! 👏 😍   like, secret ending wise and everything in general is just fabulous. You are fabulous babez <33 I seriously can't wait for the ending and I wish you the best of luck in life <3

P.S. I love Ashton. Your son is amazing. :]

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really wanted people to have a slightly new experience with each playthrough and gain a good comfort character in Ashton. And PPB:Reboot is probably the biggest project I've ever worked on and all the fan art and kind words really warms my heart and gives me energy! Thank you again!!

when will he have the full version of the game?

This game, technically IS finished. Aside from maybe updating the art, the first PPB game is done.

 I AM working on a sequel called Picture Perfect Boyfriend Reboot which is much longer and you can date ALL the boys! THAT will be done probably sooner than I thought but still I'd give it a few more months!

I just need to finish the CGs in it and a few interactions but if you haven't seenn it, there's a demo of it on here too. I'd love to know what you think!


ok thank you 

i wish i could play this game it looks rlly good and fun *cries in MacBook user*

Ah, I'm so sorry, I don't own a MAC so even if I can export a MAC version I won't know if it works

hey espoir, can you help me to unlock other guys routes?


sadly in this first PPB game the only route is Ashton's (shame on you Ashton). However in my next game PPB Reboot, you can very easily go out with John, Kadsey, and Vincent! A (pretty long) demo is available right now in my game list!


yay(funny emoji)

The bureau?


Yes, the mysterious company behind the "game" PPB, the Bureau of Ai and Human Relations (the BAiHR)!


Oh okay


well i think im stuck with Asston


i mean Ashton



THE FIRST TIME I CHOSE THE ANSWERS I WAS LIKE "hm. well that seems about right.. i DID choose intelligence, spring and cats did i not."
By the end of the first date i was.. a bit suspicious of him, but i just kept going and i chose different answers for the survey and when he came up again i was like "...huh." but for some reason i did not question it. i just kept going on until i saw my choices got john afterwards and i was like "so that thing with ashton was weird, but hey, i've got another different o- DID HE JUST GET STABBED."

i just love the way this game completely caught me off guard, it's so amazing and so unexpected that i was just. flabbergasted by the end. 10/10 <3

side note: while in an absolute state of shock thanks to being a witness of.. one murder and one call from someone who was about to get murdered, my main priority was "omg his hair is black" because from the angle i was looking at the screen it looked like it was dark brown, yes i'm VERY easily distracted  😭

hehehe I'm SO glad you enjoyed it, and that it surprised you. Honestly I was super worried that people would be able to tell that something was suspicious with the survey from the beginning. Thank you so much for playing!! And don't worry, I too get very distracted easily.

Oh and I'm working on the sequel to this called "Picture Perfect Boyfriend:Reboot" that takes place after all this. A lot of it is finished in the demo but a lot of images and scenes are not done yet. Plus, the survey actually works! I hope you enjoy it too!

LMAO OMG thanks for answering !! I'll definitely be checking the sequel out :D









This game is really well done! The art is absolutely amazing! I love the vibe of this visual novel. The music, the aesthetic, and the story itself are soooo great! There wasn’t anything I didn’t like! Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe<33



This game was surprising...and hilarious. I loved it! The only let down is that I WAS ONLY PLAYING FOR GODDAMN VINCENT (or whoever is that HUNK IN THE SUIT) and HE


FUCKING DIED BY GODDAMN ASHTON??? i'm so sad i was even kind to him... (oh yeah its really cool how the game tells if you've been kind or rude to him on your first date with him)


great job on the game i will be reading up on the lore and i will slurp it all up!!! (i havent slept in days)

Thank you so much for playing my silly game! I'm sorry it shocked you so much, while I wanted that to be a surprise I did label it as horror. I'm even more sorry Vincent got...gotted before the game begins, HOWEVER, I am working on a sequel called Picture Perfect Boyfriend:REBOOT that happens AFTER all this, and Vincent is fully datable, and his art is updated! His story is mostly finished but it's missing some art in places, that's why I call it a "Dirty" demo. Here it is♥ .

I hope you enjoy it too, and THANK YOU again!


*leans on expensive car* Thank you very much... now i will be able to date Vincent. My one true love


What a wonderful game! I'm not sure if I can say what hasn't already been said, but I've enjoyed this so much I had to leave a review! Firstly, I adore the artstyle!! Ashton just owns it completely, and his expressions are just enhanced by the style! It also reminded me of games I've played when I was much younger. I can't recall what I'm thinking about, but it added a lot to the ambience in certain endings. I don't have the heart to be cruel to him, so I'm glad others have left their comments about how that goes. One of my favorite things is you can see in the thumbnail of the trailer video as well on the start screen that ashton is squashed or hidden to the side. When he talks about the odds not being in his favor, you can look and see where he gets that idea from and I really like it! I enjoyed your writing so much, as well as the little tricks in the game! How he repeats the "I want you to be my hobby" line when he only mutters it under his breath in the first run was a really nice touch! I love how he acknowledges the history of the choices you've made, and I think it would be even cooler to see that expanded upon further! Thank you for making and publishing this game! I've had so much fun with it

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't tell you how excited and happy it makes me when people enjoy Ashton and my little game! While not as meta as this one, I am working on a sequel called PPB: REBOOT (with an updated artstyle) and a chance to meet the other characters! I'm incredibly happy that you had such a good time, this has really made my entire day♥


:C i'm freaking crying for ash- 


loved it!

wait can you play this on mac? im not sure how to get it to work

I'm very sorry, I don't have a mac nor own one (or ever has owned one) BUT there IS an option in RPG Maker to deploy the game for a MAC. I have no real way to even test it though

(1 edit) (+1)

d( ̄ω ̄〃) hello, I first got Ashton. Is his route the only available?

(6 edits) (+2)

spoiler warning! well- half a spoiler, I'm just starting to play, and i just wanna say stuff haha

I'm playing blind rn, i got ashton after answering genuinely, and i thought "oh, hes pretty shy, haha thats cute I'mma tease him"
did not him to have sharp teeth, did not expect him to say it was too easy, im scared :'DD

edit: i said i wanted to leave in a second and now, well- 
             he's a murderer is he? awww man, and to think i almost trusted                     him :')) 

wait... so he isnt a killer? omg im sorry i thought-

oooohhhh do I have to date other characters to unlock new places?? 
I'mma play the whole thing hol up-

haha.. wow i got the dad looking one, haha funny twitter-- NEVERMIND HE DIED??? WHATS GOING ON? SO HE ACTUALLY IS A MURDERER??WHAT--

I think I was supposed to play ashton last?? I have no idea who she and he is, and now I am kinda confused and scared-- but in a good way :D ?

OHHHHH that was the whole game?? dang i didnt know-- 
it was a wild experience, cool game :DD!!


LOL! Thank you for playing!! I love surprising people and subverting expectations, hehe.

I was actually worried that people would suspect that Ash was the only dateable boy (and also a yandere) and tried to hide him in the group picture. 

I'm working on a sequel to this game called "Picture Perfect Boyfriend : REBOOT" although its called reboot its what happens AFTER this game! There's a character intro which is the "Demo" and the other file is half of what the full game will be called the "DIRTY Demo"!

Thank you again for playing, I'm so proud of this game!


looks like I know what to play next! 💖

you're pretty cool >:3 


so great game but one question... HOW TF DOSE IT KNOW MY NAME. i put in my preferred name and yet it called me my dead name. is it something with the code going threw my files and finding my name


Yup, I'm pretty sure that's how all games that "know your name" do it, by looking at what your user name is! That moment in a particular game scared me so bad that I wanted to do it myself! But I am so sorry if that upset you, I didn't think of that (and neither did Ashton). I plan on him asking permission in the next game!


its fine, i wasn't upset just a bit startled 

ah okay, that's a relief!


Picture Perfect Boyfriend. Unexpected, fun, and my God is it cute.

I like how the game takes jabs at the conventions of new, 4th wall breaking visual novels (and even regular VNs!) while also having its own element of an ARG. It kinda shines a light at how cruel a completionist can be in their endeavors to uncover every single nook and cranny of a game.

I'm excited to see where the reboot takes us. Thank you so much for the suggestion, Espoir!

Thank you so much for playing it!! I'm so proud of this game and I'm so glad people have been enjoying it! Thank you SO much again (im gonna go cry now) ♥


Jesus how many frickin endings are are there??? Like my third playthrough and there's always  something different at the end! An ending where I'm cruel and he dunks me for it, and ending where I ''can't decide how I feel about him'' Do the ol' switcharoo, AND ANOTHER ONE WHERE I JUST ADORE HIM AND THERE'S YET AGAIN DIFFERENT DIALOGUE!! At some points it even feels like he's talking directly to me by how accurate some remarks are. "You probably don't even MEAN that. You just want to see what I'll say." Which is true, SEE MY PROBLEM? 

Anyway, I think I seriously underestimated the effort that went into making a seemingly actually oh god is he really sentient VN. (seriously though, ik he follows a script but it's honestly very convincing) I mean, I was amazed by my first playthrough, mainly because Ashton is so charmingly adorable in the early game and it sorta sunk it's poison hooks into my heart, but also because it actually took me by surprise a couple times and genuinely frightened me, especially when John gets voided. (One of my favourite screenshots of the game) I can't wait for the Reboot to come out, this world/story/idk how to put it, whatever lore was revealed in the demo- has really got me stuck in an infinite cycle of seeing what else Ashton has to offer. Really great and amazing and very uh         fun to play!

Also a suggestion I guess? It would be cool and would add another layer of 4th wall shattering if at some point the light on our camera IRL turned on to show that he's watching, or the game just sends a message asking for access to your camera? A couple times during playthrough I was nervously glancing at the one I have mounted on my monitor and I think that if one of those times, the light was actually on, I would have literally jumped out of my chair in horror! I have no idea what you're going to do with the reboot, and I'm so inexperienced in coding that I don't know how much effort this would take, but I honestly think it would be a really fun idea. 

One thing that's got me curious, though, was something Ash said a couple lines of dialogue before the game ends. It's mostly blocked out by blank squares but I get the feeling that with his lip-licking and "for days on end" part of that line, it was kind of.... Well.... You know what I mean... Don't have to answer but I'm really curious what he was trying to say. 

Heeheehee your comment was so fun to read, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! There's also some slightly different dialogue if you don't go to the photo room at the end and instead go on another date.

It wasn't really THAT hard to program, and I've been familiar with RPG maker for many years, but it DOES seem like he's actually too smart. But yes, that one part only has 3 outcomes. I did think about how Toby Fox made the "no mercy" route of Undertale based on how people play RPGs so I thought about how people play visual novels. 

I love that idea about the camera, I've seen another game create the illusion of that and that sounds like a cool spoooky idea! I have several "4th wall breaking illusions" planned that I'm really proud of so far!

Ashton is basically created from all the stuff I myself love in fictional characters, he's heavily inspired by Peter from the "Your Boyfriend" game and directly references him (and Ash also hates him) but there's also some Monika from DDLC and Underfell Sans from Undertale AUs and many others. As for what he was saying in the blanked out text, Ash is extremely horny and also lonely, and I've found that what one DOESN'T see is more effective than showing, like blurring the gore or blanking out someone saying something VERY NSFW. But he's basically saying that you and him will...ahem...have intercourse for eternity.

Thank you SO much for playing, I can't tell you how unbelievably happy it makes me to see people gush over Ashton or make fanart. There's a bunch of gorgeous art on twitter under the #pictureperfectboyfriend if you like to see it. Everyone has been so wonderful and it's given me strength to make this game great!

Gosh- I mean I knew that it was likely something NSFW  but how is that even possible with a literal computer game. Unless, he actually was planning to crawl out of the screen.  I think that's what he was hinting at, right? Anyway, if he really was h0rmy when saying that, it's starting to get confusing what the age rating of PPB is. 18+? 13+? 

I've thought about the age rating a lot, to be honest I'm still not very comfortable making NSFW things. Mostly everything would be cleverly censored with black bars, and things won't get very steamy. There would be lot's of man chest but hardly anything below that. So I'm not sure, maybe 13+? 

(1 edit)

Strange how you said that the end part only had three different things it could be, because I remember vaguely in one of my playthroughs that he said something like/along the lines of "Are you afraid of me? There's nothing to be scared of, Honey" And I'm fairly sure that's not exactly one of the three endings listed in my original comment. Then again, I haven't been able to achieve the same thing in my other playthroughs so I'm starting to doubt what I saw. Just checking, though, is there a path where Ash asks if you are scared of him? 

-Or are my suspicions true that you did accidentally make  a sentient AI virus man who decided not to follow his script on that one playthrough?

Oh man, I really really don't remember making him say that! I know he says something about you being nervous if you choose the "..." choices a lot, but no I don't remember that. That would be cool and also absolutely terrifying if he actually WAS going rogue though! Funny enough, in the "story" that I shamelessly insert myself into, all I gave him was a small code to be able to know the players' name and that caused him to know and do way more, haha. I'm so glad you like my game, thanks again for playing it!

Welp- Time to confess my sins in hope that Ash will not murder me- :'D

LOL Ash will never hurt his "Honey", he may however try to keep you in the house with him, bring you random gumball machine toys, and eyeball all your friends however.


My gosh asdfghjklskadjasdjkn I love it! I got genuinely freaked out by Ashton when he started acting up, but ngl at first I was quite endeared by him! I even chose the affectionate options at first because I had grown fond of him just as easy but dang, I got freaked out and scared when the yandereness started to come. I'm kinda glad it was short since there was no load/skip button so I had to go through each of the dialogue but I do wish we could have seen more about the characters before Ashton deemed it necessary to eliminate his competition. And no lie, I got spooked the hell out when Ashton decided to go "hmmm... nope" on John, poor John--

Ahh, wonderful game! Can't wait to play the reboot one!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so glad you liked it! Yeah I had to keep it short or else I never would have finished it. But in the REBOOT, all the bois will get to shine (and deal with whats happened). A short demo/intro of Reboot is available on a separate page if you haven't played it yet. I also found it annoying to keep having to replay something (especially the test part) so I'll try not to do that too much in the next game. Thank you so much again for playing, it gives me such a warm happy feeling!


This game is short but really nice! I only wish we could have seen more of the other characters, I saw your reply to another comment and agree that making routes for all four of the guys would take a LOT of time!(I'm also excited that you're thinking of making another game! take your time! there's no rush on art babyyyy)

I encountered a bug by the way, Ashton's blush is crooked and stays until the screen blacks out (even when changing character poses/closeness) in the garden, this occurs after talking about red flowers. (My route was staying silent as possible in the coffee shop and saying 'its boring...' in the garden. hope this helps!)
I also noticed that the game files also contain assets from 'Gentille Alouette' and what I assume to be assets from another project, they are located in:

(drive):\Picture Perfect Boyfriend\WWW\img\(all folders I think, also \characters has a 'Gentille Alouette' sprite )

Thank you so much for playing!! And thank you for the heads up about that bug, I'll check it out (very possible that there's more).

Oh yes Gentille Alouette is another game I am working on, it was supposed to be my biggest game but then PPB came along, I used a sprite of Alouette for testing. I didn't think anyone would find him! I hope it's not a problem that he's in there.

Yup I'm working on the full game called "Picture Perfect Boyfriend: REBOOT" which takes place after the Bureau has "dealt with" Ashton. Since ALL the guys will be present that's 4x (actually more) the drawing I have to do but it's coming along VERY nicely! I sometimes post art on my twitter @videEspoir.

Thank you again for playing!


FVYHEGBJDNKW HOLY SHIT. In l o v e with this game >::) i read in the comments that you're working on another one? Lets go lets go! Excited for that but dont forget to take breaks i know how easy it is to burn out from game developing >W<

Thank you SO VERY much, I'm glad you liked it! There's such a kind lovely little community built from my game and it gives me the strength to make the follow up! But yes, absolutely, I know to take breaks, I get tired very easily but my self care has been getting much better! I'm so excited to show everyone what happens next!


help idk what to do after playing ashton?? what do i do?? do i just restart the game?? what survey?? cri cri cri

Sorry the game is so short, Ash is all that there is. You can view the "phone" image that pops up in the photo gallery under his name and the "survey" is in the "WWW" folder of the file/game folder you downloaded to play it. I hope that's clear. Thank you SO much for playing!

hello yes thank you!! i ended up figuring out that the game was unfinished after a few minutes haha, still loved it though!


Okay,great. Yeah I had to make it short or I'd NEVER finish it haha, but I'm working on a full game that takes place after this one


Fun and interesting. 

Thank you for playing!!!